An Intersection 'Hindi Declamation Competition' was organised for the students of Class IX. There were total 15 participants in this competition.
The participants chose their favourite topics based on the given theme and presented their views with proper voice modulation and gestures. The students enthusiastically participated in the competition and exhibited their remarkable confidence on stage. The declamation witnessed a healthy competition among participants.


 1st Position: Garima  Kaushal (IX-A)

2nd Position:  Vrinda Sambyal (IX-B)

 3rd Position : Divine Rana (IX-B)  & Akshima (IX-E)

The Principal, Dr. Gurkiran Jeet Nalwa lauded the efforts of the participants and remarked that such competitions enhance the ability to use words effectively and enable the students to create their own unique identity. She also shared that activities like 'Declamation 'provide students the platform for self-expression and prepare them for public speaking with confidence and conviction. She congratulated all the participants and motivated them to come forward for more such competitions and prove their mettle. She blessed them for their bright future.