Books encourage, guide and entertain us. They teach us tough lessons and even hold our hand during turbulent times. No wonder they’re called our best friends for life!
Students benefit much from books, and they learn a great deal from them.
Classes I-V
In classes I & II World Book Day was celebrated with a creative bookmark-making activity. Students used coloured craft papers, markers and designed their own unique bookmarks and wrote encouraging reading messages.
World Book Day was celebrated in order to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. The activities taken up were Book Mark Making by class III, Scavenger Hunt by class IV and Character Mask Making by class V.
Classes VI- VIII
To promote the enjoyment of books and reading, the school celebrated World Book and Copyright Day where students of class VI were given an activity to redesign a story that was already known to students thus giving it their own touch. A book exhibition was also held to help students get a better understanding of books.
Classes IX-XII
Bulletin Board Competition :- Bulletin Boards are ideal platform for not only providing information and motivation to the students but also put on their knowledge and show their creativity . Students of class IX-XII, decorated their boards with the information about authors and their works.