To include joy of learning and student engagement to co-curricular activities, “NO BAG DAY” is observed in the school. Dressed in tracksuits, children joyfully come to school without bags and enjoy the other sides of school life.
Class I had their No Bag Day on April 27. It was an engaging and enjoyable event filled with various activities like hand washing activity emphasizing the importance of hygiene. The teacher took students on a walk around the school encouraging them to observe the beauty of nature. Card making activity was conducted to express students' creativity. Clay modeling activity to develop fine motor skills and to create various objects. Dance activity by students helped them to improve their coordination and rhythm. In all this provided a memorable experience for the students.
Class II, had their No Bag Day on May 4. It was an exciting and activity-filled event. A show and tell activity (My favourite fruit) was conducted. Healthy tiffin activity was enjoyed by students through a communal meal together. A nature walk was done by students to observe nests, plants, trees, and birds. A fun dance session was organised where students learned simple dance steps. Colourful papers craft material was used to create beautiful bird crafts. Students used clay to sculpt various objects or animals. Students played with blocks in the activity room. This no-bag day provided a break from regular routine and engaged students in diverse and enriching experiences.
Following activities were conducted on No Bag Days in Classes III- V
Flipped classroom, Nature walk, Games and sports, Healthy Tiffin, Art and Craft, English Word Building, Jumbled letters game, Pronunciation practice and A visit to Maths lab.Also, a talk by Ms. Yogita on Good Manners was given.The day culminated with a dance performance.
Class VI
No bag day for students of class VI started with school shabad, followed by Spell Bee and Flipped classes where students enjoyed peer group teaching in the class in front of their respective subject teachers. Later, Talent Hunt Activity was organised where students came forth with their mesmerising performances.
To make students aware of their current surroundings, Ms. Yogita, the school counsellor explained the concept of good touch and bad touch followed by a session with Ms. Manpreet who explained students about being good digital citizens.