To meet the challenges and prepare students for the ever-evolving knowledge-based society, we keep a constant pace in the field of Information Technology. The potential of computer- aided instruction as a medium for making teaching more interactive and learner oriented has always been an exciting matter for educational innovators.In the 21st century, computer aided instructions is indispensable to the school curriculum and its use needs to be truly realized and optimised. The main aim of computer-aided teaching is to make optimum use o f the information technology available in the field of Education, as a tool for effective teaching and learning.The school has well-equipped computer labs including latest software and other computer peripheral devices.

The school is one of the first institutions in the region to adopt Smart class concept. It is a technology assisted teaching aid which improves teacher effectiveness and productivity, makes learning an enjoyable experience for students and improves academic performance. It also enables instant formative assessment of learning outcomes in class. To optimize the effectiveness of concept, a Knowledge Center equipped with Content Preview System (CPS) has been established for reference by teachers. The teachers select and sift the material which is then presented to the students in form of digital instruction exactly mapped to meet with the specific objectives to fulfill the requirements of the students. The content being in the form of 3D and 2D multimedia modules is highly absorbing.
K-Yan an innovative tool integrating ICT in Education. Shivalik boasts of 3 K-Yan sets which have empowered the teachers to focus on improving the learning outcomes by using content which is modern, engaging and has involved the student at every step.
Here we would like to add that K-YAN is a single wire computer with internet connectivity, projector, multimedia device which converts any wall in the school into an interactive classroom. It supports multiple peripherals and enables interactive learning more interesting.

Language Lab offers distinct opportunity to the students to learn effective communicative skills. The focus is laid on correct pronunciation, right stress and intonation. Using linguaphones and audio-aids, voice modulation is also taught. It enhances their communication skills and interest to participate in declamations, debates and group discussions
3-D LAB 
3D lab which is a pure delight, taking students into a life- like virtual world, where abstract ideas come to life.This meaningful interaction sets in a fun-filled gaming cum learning environment to get a comprehensive grip of the topic in depth. Our students stay motivated and engaged with a fantastic visualisation of the content learned.