Scheme of Education

School curriculum is based on NEP-2020. It lays emphasis on inquiry-based learning, 21st-century skills, interactive classrooms, multidisciplinary study, and flexible assessments.

Quality education is provided with

1. A clear and shared focus.

2. High standards and positive expectations for all students.

3. Effective school leadership.

4. High levels of collaboration and communication.

5. Curriculum, instruction and assignments aligned with the excellent standards.

6. Frequent monitoring of learning and teaching.

7. A supportive learning environment.

8. High levels of family and community involvement.

-Environment Conservation: Environment sustainability education programme being implemented for generating awareness amongst students, teachers and community.

-Experimental Learning: By engaging students in hands-on experiences and reflection, they are better able to connect theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations.

-Art Integrated Learning: All art integrated endeavours are succeed by adhering to the 5 P's of the creative process: perception, practise, perseverance, patience, and passion.

-Collaborative Learning: Students work together in small groups on a shared learning task. Collaborative learning relies on the creation of meaningful tasks and engaging group responses among students.