Spelling, the art of correctly assembling letters to form meaningful words, is one of the essential components of successful writing. Being confident at spelling leads to confidence in all aspects of literacy. Keeping the same in mind, Spell Bee competition of Hindi was organized for the students of classes III to X on 9th July’ 2024 at Shivalik Public School, Patiala. It aimed at giving students a platform to learn different spellings with their pronunciations and consequently, enrich their vocabulary. Students participated earnestly in the competition. Their efforts and initiative were appreciated by one and all.

As part of our efforts to inculcate the beauty of expression, thoughts, rhythm and rhyme in our students, school conducted a Hindi Poem Recitation on this day. The competition was conducted in a very effective way wherein students showcased their talent by reciting poems on different topics such as trees, child labour, love for school, etc. The students also presented themselves very effectively.