World Book and Copyright Day

World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. To mark the day, a special assembly was conducted in the school. The students of class II demonstrated on the stage How to  Use Books and Notebooks.  A poem was recited by the student of class IX on the importance of books???? and a speech was delivered by a student of the same class on the topic- Why we celebrate World Book Day?
Book Mark Making Competition was organised for classes I to V, Book Jacket Making Competition for classes VI to VIII and Book Review Writing Competition for classes IX to XII. 
The students of Kindergarten were given the takeaways of Book marks. The teachers made the children aware how to use bookmarks.
A Book Fair was organised in the school library. The students of whole school visited the library along with their teachers. The students participated in various activities there. They were appreciated for their active participation.